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"I used to go to Church, but…"

When people find out I actually go to church they often comment: "I used to go to Church, but..." and then they follow-on with "you know." At that point I usually change the topic, because it's almost pointless. However, I really want to say: "but, what? Why don't you go anymore? "

I truly and sincerely want to help them understand, because all too often they don't know what happened to society (in and to The Church too). They just stopped going and they don't really know why. They aren't aware of the reasons why they went (occasionally) in the first place or stopped going altogether.

Sound familiar? Maybe you too have had a similar experience.

If so, the question might be: What happened?

Where did the faith go?​

Did you leave it? Or did it leave you?

These days we find so many in search of meaning in life. They look here; they look there. If they're lucky, they try this church, and then that.

Fact is, the number of people who attend church on Sunday is at all-time lows. All this is indicative of a major shift in what people value: kid’s sports, now regularly scheduled on Sundays, and long working weeks - Sunday seems to be the time for everything else, other than God.

Was it the chicken or the egg? Did faith and society fall apart and drag The Church down with it? Or, is it that The Church fall apart and society went with it...?

As confirmed by the Wall Street Journal…

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that, in the last 50 years, “the population of nuns in the U.S. has declined by more than 70% and the annual number of priestly ordinations by 50%.

“Consider this: between 1968 and 1974, the Catholic Church lost:

· 10,000’s Priests and/or Nun’s abandon post (they just plain quit, in disgust)

· Attendance continues to decline, closing of churches is common place

· Converts are at the lowest level in decades

Now, if that were a business, depicting the loss of “management” and lack of new talent development across the years, anyone in their right mind could see it as an organization in the state of free fall. Rather than applaud those responsible, as unknowing people seem to do, we should hold the leaders accountable for the loss. Anyone can plainly see it (The Catholic Church) as a "failed business”.

No business losing a majority of its “management” can care for its customers! How can any of this be good?

And, while that’s happening in The Church, look around… what’s happening to society? Police shooting people! People shooting police! Wars and terrorism! Meanwhile the silent death of the unborn continues virtually uncontested.

How could this happen? What in the world happened? I mean, how is this all possible considering that Christ promised he' never abandon His Church?

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