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The Catholic Church LEFT YOU!


But, we know that Christ promised, John 14: "I will not leave you as orphans"


So, how is it that we went from a time when stores (out of respect for God’s laws) weren't even open on Sundays and church attendance was at record levels, to the point where now only 1 in 10 attends church?  And, those leading The Church are regularly involved in unspeakable scandals.    


It's not 1950 anymore and, with all our great technological advances, few might want to go back there (although some homesteaders do a good job recreating it); but, it’s now commonplace to hear things like: 

"I used to go to Church, but…"

Sound familiar?  If so, the question might be:” what happened?” 

Where is the Faith?

These days we find so many in search of faith.  They look here; they look there. They try this church, and then that.  Fact is, the number of people who attend church on Sunday is at all-time lows. All this is indicative of a major shift in what people value: kid’s sports, now regularly scheduled on Sundays, and long working weeks - Sunday seems to be the time for everything else, other than God.

As confirmed by the Wall Street Journal…

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that, in the last 50 years, “the population of nuns in the U.S. has declined by more than 70% and the annual number of priestly ordinations by 50%.


“Consider this: between 1968 and 1974, the Catholic Church lost:

·        in The United States alone, 10,000’s Priests and 35,000 Nun’s abandon their vocation (they just plain quit, in disgust)

·        Attendance continues to decline, closing of churches is common place

·        Converts plunged to the lowest level in decades, before the council there were 100,000 converts per year, that doped to 10% or 10,000

·        In church baptisms doped to 49% of what they were before the council


Now, if that were a business, depicting the loss of “management” and lack of new talent development across the years, anyone in their right mind could see it as an organization in the state of free fall.  Rather than applaud those responsible, as unknowing people seem to do, we should hold the leaders accountable for the loss.  Anyone can plainly see it (The Catholic Church) as a "failed business”.


No business losing a majority of its “management” can care for its customers!  How can any of this be good?

And, while that’s happening in The Church, look around… what’s happening to society?  Police shooting people! People shooting police! Wars and terrorism! Meanwhile the silent death of the unborn continues virtually uncontested. 


How could this happen? You didn’t leave Coke (for Pepsi); Coke (Classic) left you…and gave you “New Coke”  


Similarly, the concept: it is not that: you left “The Church”.  Rather, it is: "The Church who left you"....kind of like Coca-Cola leaving its loyal customers in favor of “New Coke” – an imitation product they created in response to the “Pepsi Challenge”.(for those born after's; the story on Coke Classic)


So too has The Church, with disastrous results, succumbed to the pressures of Governments and Protestant movements.  Eventually, The Coca-Cola Co. was bright enough and made available BOTH Coke Classic and New Coke, eventually discontinuing the New Coke product. 


But, The Church, amid the disastrous results of its New Order (in Latin it's called the: "Novus Ordo"), continues forward hardly even giving the chance for people to have The Catholic Mass they knew for the prior 20 Centuries.

There’s only one “Real Thing”


In the end, The Church must realize, as its faithful do and as The Coca-Cola did: there's only one.... "Real Thing".  And, without it, people leave! 


Fact of the matter is: the “Catholic Church”, as we know her today, is not the Catholic Church it was for the 20 centuries before the 1970’s. 

We have a shortage of priests - even though there are fewer people attending mass.   How is that possible?  

What happened?  How could it be something of such strength fell to such levels? Did the society reject The Church and go her own way?  Or, is it that The Church went a different way and society crumbled (in fact, both crumbled) without Her?  It's a Chicken and Egg problem.  Is it that the Church fell on problems and society suffered? Or, that society changed and didn't want church anymore?


I know this idea, that: “the Church left you,” sounds too incredulous too be true. But, consider this… 


If you agree there's a devil. And, if you agree the devil is out to destroy that which God loves (i.e. the people He created and the Church He established to help them), what better way to destroy the people than to undo the fabric of their spiritual guidance, the one of last 1900 and 70 years. 


Destroy The Church (which provides morale basis) and you eventually destroy society!  It’s a cut to the foundation.   


“And yet, such is really the case with innumerable Christians nowadays, for, truths are decayed from among the children of men.[1]  So common, indeed, is the heedlessness and forgetfulness of truth, which the Holy Scripture put before us in almost every page, that it is no rare thing to meet with persons who ridicule the idea of devils being permitted to be on this earth of ours”[2] with the goal of destroying The Church and Her souls.  After doing away with the sanctity of marriage, perhaps the next thing to be done away with will be the very idea of a Hell itself.  Or, is Hell already no longer a worry?


It wasn’t the 60’s hippies.  Don't blame them!


Religious running for the exit, in droves, and the faithful rapidly falling off, one has to wonder...what happened?  It wasn’t Watergate, Woodstock, or Vietnam War.


Rather, it was the profound shift which hit The Church in the 60’s.  Some call it the "The Changes” others know it by its official name: the Novous Ordo of Vatican II -  which, despite its disastrous results, with the liberals now in charge seem headlong to push through - with even greater vigor than before.  


It’s a kind of self-abuse: you do something, see it hurts, and then decide to do it again.  Even a small child knows better - after touching the hot stove once…he stays away.

Want to know what it was?  It was/is the liberals. It was the devil's infiltration (in the cloak of liberals) that infiltrated the hierarchy of the Church.   

Like in politics, where we have “conservatives” and “liberals”, so too are they both present in the Church. We have both conservatives and liberals.  For a long time leading up to 60’s, and ever since, the liberals have been in control. 

And boy, what a job the liberals  have done.  

They say: it is not that the president that becomes a communist, but rather that the communist becomes president. (Swap “president” for “priest” and re-read)

Some reading this may know all about (and embrace) the changes of the 60’s – as the WSJ and Bergolio (a.k.a Pope Francis does). Others, especially those born after 1965, may have no idea what we're talking about or referencing, at all. 


But it was the liberals in the Church and the 60’s was their climax


They unleashed a massive experiment in the Church’s practices, it's called: "Vatican II".

For those who may not know, every few hundred years or so, The Church has something called: a "Council".   So, what is a Council?

What is a Council anyway?

Different from a "conclave", which is the convening of the Cardinals to elect a new Pope and different from a “synod”, like the one recently held on “The Family”, a Council is a meeting of the Church's Archbishops and Cardinals to address and reconfirm the Church's stance on some serious matter. 

Historically, what comes out of a Council is something that becomes a required belief for those who want to stay in good standing as a practicing Catholic.  And historically, these Councils are called to define or redefine something that is attacking the Church.

For example, the previous Council, Vatican I, met between 8 December 1869 and 20 October 1870 to defend the Church's practice on: Papal Infallibility and defend The Church against “Rationalism”. 


However, Vatican Council II, unprecedented and as a break from all previous tradition, was called to: "bring the church up to-date" or “open the window” of The Church to “fresh air".  Quite literally, the term “open the window to fresh air” was actively promoted back then by Pope Paul VI.


Come on, God (and His Church) don’t change to meet people - that's backward!  Rather, it is people who need to change (their fallen nature) to meet their Creator.

Vatican II was different from all other Councils, it was not required dogma


The New Rites ("Novus Ordo" in Latin) which came out of the Vatican Council II were not held up as “ex cathedra” requirements that all Catholics MUST follow. Rather, they were rolled out as a "new way" of doing things through the Church's hierarchy and something very contrary to the wishes of many good priests in their diocese.  But, the clergy was told, as it were, to: “go along or get out of the way”.  And, the undertone of message was: “if you don’t go along, you risk being deposed into retirement or some other obscure role.”


Can you imagine? As a Priest or Religious, the thing you’ve dedicated your life to being taken away from you?   


You’ve given yourself to deliver the Mass and Sacraments and your superiors, like some Communist regime does in the middle of the night, comes through and takes it all away from you and tells you to practice a new way of life - one that is completely foreign to you and, in many senses, more similar to the Protestant rites (against which you’ve been trying to steer people clear for all your life).  What do you do?  Well, you either quit (as many did) or go along.


What followed is the history recounted above…


People (including ministers and religious) left the church, straight up. It is incredible to believe, but the Catholic Church literally crumbled from the strong thriving organization it was, teaching and educating and healing in hospitals, as the bedrock of so many society’s,to: the remnants which you can now see in some of Her buildings (if they have not been torn down already).  


What do we have now: The Church consolidating parishes and districts, closing schools, seminaries and convents empty. 

There are no nuns and brothers to teach our children, much less schools in which to educate them.  The State has become the “shepherd of our souls” and, may God help us, where we let those Godless people rule us!  

So, it is not really true that people (religious included) "left the Church”.  The reality is more like: The Church, the one they knew and loved during the previous 20 centuries, for her well-regulated and solemn devotions, ceased to exist....literally!  It morphed into a "new order". 

The Church left them and abandoned them.

And, with exception of a few, very few (literally less than a couple hundred) hold-out priests; everyone went along with it. After all, it was from Rome. And, if a priest didn’t go a long with the New Order (literal translation of Novus Ordo), he’d risked being kicked out of his parish and put on the streets.  For many, that was just too tough a cross for their human element to bear. Many chose to go along rather than being put on the streets with no means of support.  


After all, Christ promised he would not abandon His Church.


But, what followed “the changes” brought Rome to where it is today. 


Through the process of rolling out the New Order of Vatican II, the priests, the ones, who did not understand their right to "contentiously object" to the New Order (as it was NOT ex-cathedra and needed not absolutely be followed, but was rather recommended new right of the mass) went along.  If they tried to resist, there were unceremoniously removed from their positions as pastors and left with no financial support and little congregation.

Can you imagine?  It was a silent revolution.  Like bringing out “New Coke”


Those of you who are old enough may remember the “New Coke” experiment...? Remember when, in response to their losing market share as a result of the Pepsi Challenge, that someone at The Coca-Cola Company got a big idea to try a new formula.   They thought if they could accommodate people with a "coke" that tasted more like Pepsi that they would win over the Pepsi clients (and keep their Coke loyalists).  So, the changed the age-old formula and introduced "New Coke".  The result not only caused a revolt; but it an open door and Pepsi gained more ground.  People were so upset, there was a practical revolt. 


With their experiment, Coke lost followers…and quickly!  So, has the church with her experiment.

People who would have never considered anything else started looking for alternatives.  Just as people left Coke, for Pepsi, the same happened in the Church - the parishioners left Her pews.


Vatican II was the Church's "New Coke" experiment.


The “new-coke experiment" of Vatican II doctored the Church’s “formula” and changed the “recipe” – one that had remained unchanged for the last 20 centuries!  However, unlike Coca-Cola, which quickly recognized and adjusted its marketing blunder, The Church has failed to revert and rather continued to press forward with the changes.


From the seeds of infiltration, planted much earlier[3], ultimately exposing herself in Vatican II with the liberal changes, we are still experiencing the changes today with movements now being promoted out of Rome for: girl altar boys, acceptance of 2nd “marriages”, and homosexuals.  This is not a strong church providing moral guidance, but rather a weak church succumbing to pressure.


But Benedict the XVI was a bringing back tradition, right?


It is very clear that Benedict the XVI has been labeled a "conservative reformer".  However, “conservative” is a relative statement.  The fact is he was one of the instrumental leaders behind the changes of Vatican II.  And he was also the Church's Chief of Liturgical Reform, up until his election as Pope.   He re-instituted some elements of the "tradition", it’s true. But, that was ONLY in reaction to and as means to win-over the growing group of "Traditional Priests" – those who have held out, using only the “old” sacraments since before the 70's. These priest groups and parishes have grown exponentially – meanwhile the “new order” crumbles. 


Coca-Cola wasn’t so foolish as to persist in their failed New Coke experiment


Christ’s Promise to “Not abandon The Church” holds true, in: Tradition


What we have seen is that those who, by some miracle, were able to get a hold of the "old" recipe (i.e. The Traditional Sacramental Rights of the Church, the rights of Her illustrious Saints through ages) have grown by tremendous numbers.


Meanwhile, the Novus Ordo congregations have crumbled. They cannot even replace the attrition of members dying off - losing the new generation to ecumenical ministries.   How can the Novus Ordo be so blind?


On the other side, the Traditional Catholics have grown in such significant numbers it might be said that it was the "competitive threat" that caused Benedict XVI to “re-permitt” (as if that would be necessary to give back Tradition – sound like a communist state, doesn’t it…?) SOME elements of her old ways.


The Church’s growth is in the Traditional Movement.

Traditional groups practice the old, Traditional Roman Rite of the Mass – the one in Latin.  If you were born before 1965, you MIGHT remember it.  Or, maybe you’ve seen it portrayed on TV – you know, where the priest still wears a collar and cassock.  And yes, in the Traditional movement, you still have priest like this.

These “Traditionalists” have been holding-out, since the 70's, saying Mass in rented hotel rooms and buying abandoned facilities in the Diocese (whenever they can). Amid the challenges, the Traditionalist have grown exponentially in their numbers over the last 50 years. 


NOTE: believe me it is true, the Diocese will sell its schools and closing churches, to virtually anyone, even Muslims, before selling to the Traditional groups…  So, one wonders… if they won’t sell to Traditionalists…what do they fear?  Success?


But yet, some push headlong to soften The Church

So, there we have it. The Church, on the one hand, clings to its Novus Ordo changes (as if it was Coca-Cola clinging to the New-Coke formula, despite outrage and continuous loss of customers i.e. parishioners). 

And, here we are with Francis. The liberal interests seem to be growing again.  They’re pushing forward with the evangelization of “New Coke”.   

Does Francis not know?   Classic Wins! People need stability and devotion


Ah you say, “people don’t like all those “old rules” and hardliners!  But, the question must be asked (and anyone who’s raised kids knows), as humans, we cling to and thrive with order and discipline.  It is disorder and freedom that becomes the playground of the devil.  So liberals, who’s side are you on?    


Christ promised He would never abandon His Church or “never leave you orphans”


But, one can very rationally ask: how can this happen? Christ promised “He would never abandon His Church” and “He would never leave orphans”. 



Perhaps, just perhaps, Christ’s words were meant for these trying times. And while there are many answers to that question, first let us consider…


The Hold-Out Traditional Priests Saved the Faith


If it was not for the few Priests that held up the Tradition (to the great rage of Lucifer), there would be no memory or any semblance of the “Old Mass”.  If the Traditionalists had not stayed True to Christ, the devil would have had his way and abolished it. 


“By their fruits you will know them”.  Jesus Christ


Ever wonder why the pews are empty in the Novus Ordo… but overflowing in the Traditional Parishes?


Some may not want Tradition and some may welcome with open arms the "ajornamento" (which is Latin for "updating") the Church went through with Vatican II. 


But, the fact is, if The Church is in the business of savings souls, one must ask: is it succeeding at its mission?  Is it better off today than it was in 1950?  What percent of the population is Catholic?  Are more or less people practicing the Catholic Faith?  If it is less, who's winning?  Are the Muslims growing stronger than Catholics?  


While our modern fancies might suggest that “The Church needed and needs to change”. We'd ask: “how's that going?  How are those changes working out?” 


God (and the Faith He established through Christ) does not Change


Many people now find themselves bouncing from one ecumenical church to another, to see what "feels right".  Abortion and Homosexuality (longtime condemned and known to draw the wrath of God) are now meant to be embraced in charity. But, the fact of the matter is: God is Eternal and, by definition, He does NOT change.  So, the idea of "change", as it relates to His rules, is contrary to what He established. 

Humans thrive with discipline and order


Man, in his heart, likes stability.  He craves discipline.  So, people, being the spiritual beings we are, go around looking for faith. Especially when The Faith has left our corner parish Church; it is no wonder we bounce from one church to the other. 


We don’t go to Church to “feel good”; we go for the Love of God


The thing is we don't go to church for the minister. We don't go to church to "feel good" either. And, we don't go to Church for the Mass, alone. We do it all to satisfy the internal need we have to worship the One True: God, who put that longing of soul deep within us. 


The Novus Ordo didn’t change just the Mass…they changed the whole faith


And, as the Novus Ordo has changed the Mass, so too has it changed the very element of the Catholic Faith. 


This 3rd party document of Vatican II shows that virtually nothing was left untouched.  EVERYTHING was changed and, as noted above, updated to bring The Church in line with the times – as if She needed updating


Why did Vatican II remove rites of Exorcism?  Don’t they believe in the Devil anymore?


For example, did you know, the Church no longer has 7 steps (7 is the number of perfection by the way - 7 days in a week, 7 sacraments, etc) through which seminarians must pass on the way to Priesthood?  Among the other things the Novus Ordo changed that too. They eliminated the role of Lector and Exorcist.   Why?  Do we not believe in the need to Exorcise the devil out anymore more?  Or, how about the changes to the Rite of Baptism, did you know that all the prayers of Exorcism have been removed from that too? 


While these things may be shocking (or not seem like much, depending on your view), what is most concerning are the rights of Ordination.  Changes to that have made the Ordination to the priesthood rather suspect and of very doubtful validity, as compared to standard prior to Pre-Vatican II.


And, think about this, Francis is the first Pope to be ordained “priest” with the new rites.  


Those propagating Vatican II have some questions to answer 


Now, some may say: The Church has the authority to change and can declare new forms and rites.  And, that is true.  However, she is NOT allowed to do so when those changes conflict with or contradict past teaching; nor when they are harmful to the soul.

That being the case, one must ask: are the changes made in the 1960’s leading more souls to sanctification?  Yes or No?   (hint: Sunday attendance is down)


Did they contradict a previous invocation of the Tridentine Latin Mass, set by Pope Pius X, as the “Mass of all time”? It was not lawful to change the Mass


Are more people (as a percent) going to church on Sunday? 


Are people more devote and Godly than they once were?  


If so, no problem! 


If not, those propagating Vatican II have some questions to answer.  


The Church/Pope never has the authority to change previously established infallible doctrine It was not lawful to change the Mass


Or, is it that what the Church now teaches is in contradiction with the past? If so, the answer suggests Vatican II took a turn for the worse. People (and priests) we duped.  In good conscious, they followed Rome, but is it perhaps that the “men” in Rome (the "men" are different from the Catholic "Faith")  lost their way?


Perhaps: Parishioners did not leave the Catholic Church; but rather, those in positions of authority to lead The Church took it down a “New Coke” path.   The Vatican II path that has disillusioned souls for too long, left people warning in the darkness. 


There can only be one version of The Truth


Our responsibility, as parishioners, is to seek answers, to find The Truth.  Pontius Pilot even questioned Christ “What is Truth?”  Answer: Christ!


Spend time to understand: could it be that the Vatican II Church (what is officially called the “Novus Ordo” – New Order) could possibly be leading people down the wrong path? 

On the one hand, Christ protects His Church and on the other the bible warns about the deceptions in the last days. 


Take heed! Matthew 7:20 says "Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them"… Ask yourself: "what fruits is the Novus Order yielding?"


Where are the Catholic fruits today? 


Where there is the Real Presence.  In the Traditional Rite it is NOT that: the priest has his back you. Rather, he celebrates a sacrifice offered to God, and you join in union with him.


But, all this is not simply a matter of The Mass, in English, or Latin. It is a matter of the sacraments, with reverence.  It’s a matter of the whole Faith which is in question.  And, it is because The Church, for the most part, seemingly took leave of her senses and abandoned the One True Saving Faith, that we have lost so many souls. 

There are Traditional Masses, right around you…just look


For those interested to explore the Traditional option, you might find helpful to know there are basically three different stances within.  The article on wiki-pedia explains a good deal about the Traditional Movement. 


Some other tools and websites which might provide some insight are:

- "Welcome to the Traditional Latin Mass" (Pamphlet) available at: - does Benedict XVI approve of the Latin Mass 

 And while it is likely that if one looks closely at what the Church has written and proclaimed in her Vatican Council II documents, one will be hard-pressed to find statements of heresy, The Church, while going down Her Vatican II path, was very careful to write all documents so as not to commit Heresy. Meanwhile it made sure to “opening the window” to plenty of change.  The Devil works in ambiguity.       

[1] Ps.xi. 2 .

[2] The Liturgical Year by Abbot Gueranger, O.S.B  book 5 Lent, Third Sunday of Lent, Pg 247

[3] The book_________ is an exposé of a subversive plot launched by the Communists to infiltrate the seminaries with “spies” and those interested to destroy Her.

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